place as the priority中文什么意思

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  1. The traditional accounting and management system , which was set up to fit the highly integrated planned - economy , has obvious flaws . it ' s totally opposite to the requirement of market economy . under the traditional accounting system , the need of macro management is placed as the priority while the need of investors , debtors and other relative beneficiaries is neglected


  1. place and date of issue 什么意思
  2. place and route 什么意思
  3. place arranged for a meeting 什么意思
  4. place art 什么意思
  5. place art works in parks 什么意思
  6. place aux dames 什么意思
  7. place bastille 什么意思
  8. place beauvau 什么意思
  9. place bostack on the test pump 什么意思
  10. place brick 什么意思


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